Adopting a Dog

We want to rehome our dogs for life and so want to make sure adopting a dog is right for you. So before you consider adopting a dog, ask yourself the following questions to see whether you are a suitable candidate:


  • Will having a dog fit in with your current lifestyle?
    A dog needs company, so you need to be able to spend plenty of time with your new dog. It is not fair on a dog if you are away from home for most of the day or if you travel a lot.

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  • Is your home suitable for a dog?
    Your home needs to be large enough to comfortably house a dog. You need to also think about whether your neighbours are happy for you to have a dog, particularly if it will bark a lot. There also needs to be plenty of outdoor space around or near to your home so that your dog can be exercised and relieve itself regularly.


  • Can you afford to keep a dog?
    Getting the dog is only the beginning, you will need to be able to pay for food, insurance, veterinary bills, grooming, kennels if you go on holiday and so on.


  • Are you willing to put up with the mess a dog can make?
    Many dogs can create a lot of mess. Some of our dogs may not be housebroken, so there may be unfortunate accidents. In addition, there may be muddy paw tracks trailing through your home, damage to furniture, shedding of hair, flea infestations as well as smells that are inevitable with dogs!


If you are certain you can care for an adopted dog, why not take a look at dogs in need of a home? We also have some advice on what type of dog might be right for you. And we also have some success stories to show how adopting a dog can improve your life.